Friday, February 13, 2015

ZoomCharts for DMAP 2015 in Bangalore, India

ZoomCharts is offering data visualization tools to support presenters at the International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (DMAP 2015), taking place March 28-29th, 2015 at Bangalore University, Mysore Road, Jnana Bharathi Campus Bengaluru, Karnataka 560056 Bangalore, India.

Check out what you can do with ZoomCharts charts and graphs at

ZoomCharts’ line of advanced data visualization software is completely interactive, supports big data, works on all modern devices including touch screens, and does it all at fast speeds unmatched by any other visualization software of its kind. These tools are being explored by a growing number of clients in a variety of fields as the best way to analyze and present data. Don’t be among the last to discover the exciting potential that ZoomCharts tools can open up for your data.

Hosted by AIRCC Publishing Corporation, an emerging peer reviewed, academic open access Computer Science and Engineering publisher, DMAP is a conference that provides researchers the opportunity to present their work on significant advances in data mining and applications in a peer-reviewed forum. DMAP gathers original research paper submissions on topics of interest such as data mining applications, data mining in modeling, visualization, personalization, and recommendation, data mining systems and platforms, efficiency, scalability, and privacy, foundations, algorithms, models, and theory, mining text, semi-structured, spatio-temporal, streaming, graph, web, multimedia, and knowledge processing. The proceedings will be published by Computer Science Conference Proceedings in Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT).

Check out ZoomCharts products:

Network Chart
Big network exploration
Explore linked data sets. Highlight relevant data with dynamic filters and visual styles. Incremental data loading. Exploration with focus nodes.

Time Chart
Time navigation and exploration tool
Browse activity logs, select time ranges. Multiple data series and value axes. Switch between time units.

Pie Chart
Amazingly intuitive hierarchical data exploration
Get quick overview of your data and drill down when necessary. All in a single easy to use chart.

Facet Chart
Scrollable bar chart with drill-down
Compare values side by side and provide easy access to the long tail.

The world’s most interactive data visualization software

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